Screening Services

Various types of background checks or background investigations might be defined as screening services in general. Evaluating of what can the applicants do or skills would be required by the companies with high compliance ingrained in their recruitment procedures. For example, if an applicant is seeking for an opportunity to work, or a tenant is interested in renting one of your properties, or a certain person wants to become an approved vendor within your organization, the screening services is recommended to be implemented and do perform. Providing you with screening teams, that records findings and carry out thorough checks, ensures an accurate reports in various screening processes such as:

• Checking of credentials and person's identity: - includes the verification of the candidate’s basic personal information: (name, date of birth, and residential address). Including their qualifications and professionalism that serves as an authentication technique for credential claims.

• Drugs and Health testings: - Providing you designated drug and health solution, as required by a government's regulations or as a requirement for specific job positions, ensures to identify whether the candidate has a history of drug abuse and any other health concern.

• Integrity Checking: - A various screening such as criminal and civil litigation check, PEP check or Politically Exposed Person checking, directorship check, adverse media check, a group sanction check, are all performed as it is necessary to avoid hiring of applicants who do not share your particular values and many more screening processes.


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